Non-Surgical Treatment for Carpal Tunnel

Roughly 5% of people in the workplace are affected by carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition that causes pain, numbness, or tingling in the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and inside of the ring finger.

Often treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome involves high-dose epidural steroid injections that can temporarily help the pain but can have severe side effects, and reduce your body’s ability to heal. If that fails, the next treatment course is an invasive surgery to reduce nerve pinching by cutting ligaments in the wrist. This surgery directly impacts the stability of the wrist and can lead to the formation of scar tissue that compresses the nerve again.

How Do Rejuvenexx Procedures Work For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

During Rejuvenexx outpatient procedures, custom concentrations of your body’s natural healing agents are injected into the exact areas of the nerve impingement to loosen the pinching and restore function. Treatments use only your own blood to make super-concentrated platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or your own bone marrow concentrate (BMC), which contains stem cells.

Downtime is a fraction of what it is with surgery and generally requires little or no need for opioid pain medications or time off of work.

Watch a real Rejuvenexx hand procedure performed by a certified Rejuvenexx physician:

Our goal is to use the least invasive, least expensive procedure to get the desired results. Your Rejuvenexx  physician will work with you to determine whether that would be a platelet procedure or a BMC procedure.

Is Rejuvenexx Right for Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

At Rejuvenexx , we are dedicated to giving you the information you need to make an informed decision about your best treatment option.

During your initial appointment, your Rejuvenexx doctor will use our four-part SANS (stability, articulation, neuromuscular, and symmetry) evaluation to identify the underlying causes of your pain. Your doctor will examine your injury through a full range of motion and may use ultrasound to observe the inner workings in real time.

This approach gives a more accurate picture of the root cause of your pain.

Watch Debbie’s patient testimonial video and see how Rejuvenexx helped her back to what she loves:

Note: Like all medical procedures, Rejuvenexx  procedures have success and failure rates. Not all patients will experience the same results. For more information on patients’ results visit our active national registry .

Webinar: Treating Hand, Wrist, And Thumb Arthritis Without Surgery

Join Chris Centeno, MD, founder of Rejuvenexx , to learn how Rejuvenexx procedures can help treat your hand injury or condition without surgery and lead to a faster recovery.

During this free webinar you’ll learn:

Discover convenience.

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609 Lakeview Road

Clearwater, Florida




*DISCLAIMER: Like all medical procedures, REJUVENEXX® Procedures have a success and failure rate. Patient reviews and testimonials on this site should not be interpreted as a statement on the effectiveness of our treatments for anyone else.

Providers listed on the REJUVENEXX website are for informational purposes only and are not a recommendation from REJUVENEXX for a specific provider or a guarantee of the outcome of any treatment you receive.